Perennial Gardens

Flower Gifts

All products have a unique flower designs that horticulturalists and gardeners will appreciate. Branded items include: t-shirts, sweatshirts, sneakers, posters, skateboards, mouse pads, stickers, bumper stickers, buttons, mugs, tote bags, invitations, greeting cards, neckties, postcards, posters, prints and much more!


Oxalis (Wood Sorrel)

Oxalis (Wood Sorrel)

Q. Is wood sorrel the same thing as oxalis that shamrock-type ground cover? I would like to try some if they can take a fair amount of sunlight and not too much moisture.

A. Yes it is an oxalis. The Oxalis montana would not be good for you as it is a woods plant and needs moisture and shade as do several other species so be careful what you buy. But I have assembled a few others:

O. violacea is another kind that grows beautifully in the rock or wild garden. It ranges from Massachusetts to Florida and westward to the Rocky Mountains. It will grow 3-6 inches high and bear rosy-purple flowers in the summer.

O. corniculata is a hardy annual with creeping stems. It forms a pretty green carpet with bright yellow flowers during the summer.

O. corniculata rubra is a beautiful variety that has purple foliage contrasting with the gold blossoms. Both of these varieties spread quickly so care must be taken in managing them.

O. rosea is an annual native of southern Chile. It grows 6-9 inches tall and has bright green leaves and an abundance of pale lilac-pink flowers all summer long. It will grow in dry spots and looks nice under trees.

O. enneaphylla is the prettiest of all the rock garden kinds. The leaves consist of nine blue-green leaflets that are folded in a way that gives them a crinkled appearance. They are carried on pinkish upright stems that are 3-4 inches long. The trumpet-shaped flowers are large compared to the size of the plant being 1 to 1« inches across. They are white and waxy looking and have the delicious scent of almonds. This plant blooms in May and June. It isn't easy to grow in most American gardens; it is most likely to succeed in the Pacific Northwest. Not good: it needs a cool position shaded from direct sun during the hot hours of the day.

At the beginning of the growing season they can be propagated by offsets. They also can be raised from seeds in light sandy.

It is a little plant of a far more delicate even dainty character growing abundantly in woods and shady places. From its slender irregular creeping rootstock covered with red scales it sends up thin delicate leaves each composed of three heart-shaped leaflets a beautiful bright green above but of a purplish hue on their under surface. The long slender leaf stalks are often reddish towards the base. The leaflets are usually folded somewhat along their middle and are of a peculiarly sensitive nature. Only in shade are they fully extended: if the direct rays of the sun fall on them they sink at once upon the stem forming a kind of three-sided pyramid their under surfaces thus shielding one another and preventing too much evaporation from their pores. At night and in bad weather the leaflets fold in half along the midrib and the three are placed nearly side by side to 'sleep ' a security against storm and excessive dews. The flowers each set on long stalks are fragile in form somewhat like the Crane's bills to which they are closely allied being bell-shaped the corolla composed of five delicate white petals veined with purple enclosed in a five-scalloped cup of sepals and containing ten stamens

Flower Gifts





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