Strawflowers are commonly used in dried floral
Other Names: Everlasting, Paper Daisy,
Immortelle, Curry Plant, Yellow Chaste Weed
Scientific Classification:
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Asterales
Family: Asteraceae
Genus: Helichrysum

Descriptions: Strawflowers have 3"
ray like blossoms with petals that radiate around
a center disc.
Size: Strawflowers grow 6 to 36 inches
Symbolism: Strawflowers symbolize agreements.
Grow Details: Strawflowers are easy-to-grow,
sun-loving annuals.
Grow Details
Soil Type: Well
Drained Soil
Soil PH: PH 6.8
Light: Full Sun
Grow Zone: 8, 9, 10, 11
Height: Strawflowers grow 6 to 12
inches tall.
Flower Colors: Red, Yellow, Orange,
Pink, White, Purple
Propagation: Strawflower is propagated
by seed.
Blooming Period: Summer to Fall
Type: Annual
Herbal Remedy Properties: Oil extracted
from the Strawflowers are used homeopathically
as a traditional diuretic. The strawflower oil
soothse gastrointestinal and gallbladder spasms,
and the bitters in the herb promote gastric and
pancreatic secretions, improving digestion, especially
of fats.
Native Area: Strawflowers are native to
Australia, some species are also native to Africa
and South America.
Other: Strawflowers are great for dried
flower arrangements.