Poppy flowers are colorful, useful and emblematic.
Other Names: Common Cornfield Weed, Poppy
California, Yellow Poppy, Opium Poppy, Oriental
Scientific Classification:
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Ranunculales
Family: Papaveraceae

Descriptions: Poppies come in a variety
of shapes and sizes some have cup shaped flowers
with a center stamen, while others have pom-pom
shaped flower heads.
Size: Poppies grow from 2 to 3 feet tall.
Symbolism: Poppy represent eternal sleep,
oblivion, sacrifice and imagination. The flower
also symbolizes magic, consolations, fertility
and eternal life. Poppies are also symbolize war
and death during war time.
Grow Details: Poppies are moderately easy
to grow in the right conditions.
Grow Details
Soil Type: Well
Drained - Rich Soil
Soil PH: PH 6.5 - 7.0
Water: Standard - Prefer Dry Conditions
Light: Full Sun
Grow Zone: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Height: Poppies grow from 2 to 3
feet tall.
Flower Colors: White, Pink, Yellow,
Orange, Red, Blue
Propagation: Propagate poppies through
seed, or division, though they do not tolerate
being transplanted.
Division/Transplants: Poppies should
be divided every 3 to 4 years.
Blooming Period: July to August
Type: Annual, Biennial, or Perennial
Herbal Remedy Properties: All poppies
of the species Papaver somniferum are capable
of producing morphine.
Native Area: Poppies are native to Europe,
Asia and the Middle East.
Other: The California poppy was designated
the state flower of California in 1903.
Poppy seeds are used in cakes and breads. Poppy
seed have myriad culinary uses, due primarily
to their rich nutty flavor. Both the seed and
oil are common in many Asian cuisines.