Monarda, bee balm, horsemint, oswego tea, or bergamot is
a genus consisting of roughly 16 species of erect, herbaceous
annual or perennial plants in the Lamiaceae, indigenous to
North America.
Bee Balm
Bee Balm is an herbaceous annual or perennial
that is part of the mint family.
Other Names: Bergamot, Oswego Tea, Monarda
Didyma, Monarda, Horsemint, Oswego, Indian Nettle
Scientific Classification:
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Lamiales
Family: Lamiaceae
Tribe: Mentheae
Genus: Monarda

Bee Balm
Descriptions: Bee balm have tall erect
stalks with symetrical bilateral tubular flowers
that measure 1.5 to 3 inches.
Size: Bee Balm grows in clumps with spires
from 2 to 4 feet tall.
Symbolism: Bee Balm symbolizes money,
prosperity, protection from evil and illness.
Bee Balm is also said to represent fertility and
promotes restful sleep.
Grow Details: Bee Balm is moderately easy
to grow and care for.
Grow Details
Soil Type: Bee Balm
prefers fertile, well drained soil.
Soil PH: Neutral
Water: Moist
Light: Full Sun to Part Shade
Grow Zone: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Height: Bee Balm grows from 2 to
4 feet tall.
Flower Colors: Red, Pink, White or
Propagation: Divide or Transplant
to Propagate
Division/Transplants: Divide Bee
Balms every 2 to 3 Years in Early Spring
Blooming Period: July to August
Type: Annual or Perennial
Herbal Remedy Properties: Native Americans
have a long history of using Bee Balm for medicinal
purposes. Poultices were made from Bee Balm to
treat skin infections and minor wounds. A tea
made from Bee Balm was known to treat mouth and
throat infections. Crushed Bee Balm leaves in
boiling water was also used to treat headaches
and fevers.
Native Area: Bee Balm is native to North
Other: Bee Balm is used in herbal teas,
salads, and as garnishes. Bee Balm leaves can
be used to flavor apple jelly, fruit cups, and
salads. The Bee Balm blossoms provide the flavoring
for the famous Earl Grey tea. Bee Balm also produces
an aromatic essential oil, that is used in perfume
or as a hair tonic.
Bee Balm Gifts
Several bee balm species (Monarda fistulosa and
Monarda didyma) have a long history of use as a
medicinal plants by many Native Americans including
the Blackfoot, Menominee, Ojibwa, Winnebago and
others. The Blackfoot Indians recognized the strong
antiseptic action of these plants, and used poultices
of the plant for skin infections and minor wounds.
A tea made from the plant was also used to treat
mouth and throat infections caused by dental caries
and gingivitis. |
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