Ajuga, also known as Bugleweed, Ground pine or Carpet bugle,
is a genus of about 40–50 species of annual and perennial
herbaceous flowering plants in the mint family.
Ajuga belongs to the mint family.
Other Names: Bugleweed, Ground Pine, Carpet
Bugle, Gypsywort, Gipsywort, European Bugleweed,
Water Horehound, Ou di Sun, Lycopus Europaeus,
Lycopus Virginicus, Egyptians' Herb, Famsyon Maiy,
Menta de Lobo, Sicklewort, Middle Comfrey, Water
Bugle, Sweet Bugle, Wolfstrapp, Bracted Bugleweed,
Blue Bugle
Scientific Classification:
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Lamiales
Family: Lamiaceae
Subfamily: Teucrioideae
Tribe: Ajugoideae
Genus: Ajuga

Descriptions: Ajuga has flat, rounded
evergreen leaves forming dense mats of ground
Size: Ajuga spikes grow approximately
12 inches tall. Some creeping ajuga species are
used as naturalized ground cover.
Symbolism: Ajuga symbolizes "most
Grow Details: Ajuga grows in well-drained
garden soil, with full sun or partial shade.
Grow Details
Soil Type:- Well
Drained Soil
Soil PH: Neutral
Water:- Moist
Light: Full sun - part-shade
Grow Zone: Ajuga grows in zones
3 - 9
Height - Low, dense mat, to 2-6
inches, flowers spikes up to 6-12 inches
Flower Colors - Purple - Blue
Propagation - Runners
Division/Transplants - Easy to divide
and transplant.
Blooming Period: May and June
Type: Perennial
Herbal Remedy Properties: Traditionally
Ajuga has been used for nosebleeds, heavy menstrual
bleeding, coughs, as a sedative, and as an astringent.
Today many herbal practitioners use Ajuga to help
relive an over-active thyroid, including the symptoms
associated with a racing heart, shaking and tightness
of breath.
Native Area: Most species of Ajuga are
native to Europe, Asia, and Africa, but also two
species are found in southeastern Australia. Introduced
to the United States and in the wild ajuga proliferates
in marshlands and wetlands.
Other: Ajuga can be an aggressive grower
and overtake other garden plants.
Ajuga Gifts
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