Hibiscus is a genus of flowering plants in the mallow family,
Malvaceae. It is quite large, containing about 200–220 species
that are native to warm-temperate, subtropical and tropical
regions throughout the world.
Hibiscus are deciduous shrubs that are popular
in tropical, and subtropical climates.
Other Names: Sorrel, Flor de Jamaica,
Rosemallow, Rose of China, Swamp Rose Mallow,
Rose Mallow,
Scientific Classification:
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Angiosperms
Family: Malvaceae
Subfamily: Malvoideae
Tribe: Hibisceae
Genus: Hibiscus

Descriptions: Hibiscus blossoms are vibrantly
colored trumpet-shaped flowers that can measure
more than 6 inches across. Hibiscus have dark
green glossy leaves.
Size: Hibiscus shrubs can grow up to 15
feet tall.
Symbolism: Hibiscus symbolize delicate
Grow Details: Hibiscus plants require
more care (and water), than many other garden
plants, but their blossoms are stunning.
Grow Details
Soil Type: Well
Drained Rich Soil
Soil PH: PH 6.0-8.0
Water: Heavy Watering
Light: Full Sun
Grow Zone: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
(protect in Cold Climates)
Height: Hibiscus shrubs can grow
up to 15 feet tall.
Flower Colors: Red, Pink, Orange,
Yellow, Lavenders, Blue, White, Golds, and
almost Black
Propagation: Propagate hibiscus through
Division/Transplants: Divide Hibiscus
in the Spring
Blooming Period: Spring to Summer
Type: Annual or Perennial (warm climates)
Herbal Remedy Properties: Tea made from
hibiscus is thought to reduce high blood pressure
and reduce high cholesterol levels. Hibiscus tea
is also thought to be a natural diuretic.
Native Area: Hibiscus are native to Asia.
Hibiscus Gifts
The leaves are alternate, simple,
ovate to lanceolate, often with a toothed or lobed
margin. The flowers are large, conspicuous, trumpet-shaped,
with five or more petals, ranging from white to
pink, red, orange, purple or yellow, and from 4–18
cm broad. |
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